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Hearts of Christ

Children's Ministry


2025 School Sponsorship Teams: July TBA/August TBA

These teams will work with over 500 sponsored students in registration, textbooks, school uniforms, school supplies, backpack distribution, taking children's photos, helping children write letters and in discipleship and outreach. Evangelize door to door in remote villages and share the gospel to the hurting and poverty stricken. Contact Carla 423-312-4466 for information. Ages 11+ Est.Cost $1,200

2025  Access Life Disability Ministry

Serve with Access Life Ministry distributing disability equipment to the disabled of Belize. Hundreds of wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, diapers have been distributed over the past 3 years.


Join the ladies as they share God's word with over 100 village ladies each day. Broken, abused and neglected; they come walking or by bus to hear and receive the gospel. Participate in small groups, crafts, wonderful music and fellowship. Contact Carla 423-312-4466.

Ages 11+, Est. Cost $1500.

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